Soul Sundays

For those of you who feel inspired and attracted to the title “Soul Sunday”, let me paint you a picture...

I want you to ask yourself these questions—

• when is the last time that you took the day off of social media?

• what are some forms of self love that would feel great today?

• what could you learn today?

• when’s the last time you went exploring outside?

• how do you want to feel today?

• what are you grateful for?

It is time to take back your Sundays! 

Soul Sunday is a weekly ritual that I started practicing to fuel my body mind and spirit with acts of true self care. (I’m not talking about a facial and Starbucks)

The idea is to spend your Sunday, intentionally doing things that FEEL good, that are refreshing, cleansing & healing for you to have a specific day dedicated to yourself and your happiness at the end of every week, to create routine, to discover yourself & to grow. 

Here’s how to start—

• clear your schedule

   - release responsibility and allow yourself full control of what your day consists of. Saying “no” can be tough for many of us, but prioritizing yourself is very important on this path 💛

• create a list

   - this list will be full of things that feel good to do, things that make you happie & also some shadow work. This is the perfect time to work through the tough stuff and do some beautiful healing.

• take the day off of social media

   - this will look different for everyone, and please understand that this may take time to manifest. For me personally, I have a screen limit on my phone & on sunday I don’t allow any time. I had a close friend set the password on the limit so that I can’t sneak on there. 

   - r e m e m b e r, most of us do not go a day without social media and it can be a bit tough at first— but I promise it does become easier and is soooo refreshing to take a break from!!!

• fill your day with items from your list

   - this is where the fun begins — I like to start with writing down my intentions, goals, and affirmations for the day. And then I move on with my day, peeking at my list anytime I feel bored, uninspired, or unsure of what I want to do... whatever sparks light, baby. 

   - by choosing to do things that fill you up, you will find inspiration, discover new practices, connect with your self & feel so good that you spent the day with your soul. 

   - here are a few ideas to inspire you & your list—

⟡ journal // read // listen to podcast

⟡ yoga // dance // flow // move your body

⟡ go into nature // hike // swim // explore

⟡ sing // chant // sound healing // binaural beats 

⟡ meditation // rest // bath

⟡ paint // draw // write // create something

⟡ pull cards // ask for guidance

• end your day with G R A T I T U D E.

   - in my experience, every day that ends with gratitude manifests even more to be grateful for the following day.

   - my advise would be (if you haven’t already), create a gratitude journal. Write in it every night, listing off the small and big things that you are grateful for. 

   - create a goal or target, for me, I do one page (at least). This may be challenging at first, but as time goes by it gets easier and easier.

   - go to bed feeling grateful & watch the miracles and manifestations blossom baby 🌻💛

I can’t wait to hear your experiences and practices. Dedicate yourself to soul Sunday & share your lists to inspire others.

So much love and gratitude 

Keep Growing 🤍


affirmations for vibrant skin